Tim Koslo has been delighting audiences internationally for nine years with his Bizarre Brand of Comedy. From the moment he hits the stage with his manic, animated, sideways look at life, the crowd immediately has a sense of...well, something wonderfully strange this way comes. Comedy clubs nationwide take advantage of his unique off-the-wail approach and audience attraction potential, booking him time and time again.
Nightclubs having weekly comedy nights across the country capitalize on Tim’s extra long ninety minute shows, and ability to keep people in the room afterwards.
Koslo's show doesn't just rely on visual stimuli for audience response. He covers every facet of Stand-up, Including mastered dialects, witty prop Interplay, and impressive electric guitar absurdities that Van Halen would be proud of. All of this, combined with his WAY OUT THERE verbal sculpturing makes for a dynamic evening of stellar buffoonery!